Since its founding in 2000, the New Media Institute has offered the New Media Interdisciplinary Certificate ( And, I know it sounds like bragging (heck, it is bragging), but it is very cool. Any student studying in any discipline at UGA can pair some core NMIX courses with other technology-related electives to receive the Certificate. It is our way of certifying that a student is "technowledgable" -- I made that word up -- catchy, eh? These students aren't geeks (we leave that type of training to other institutions within Georgia). Instead, these students understand how to effectively use technology in their chosen career. Over 173 students have completed the certificate and they are working in a range of different fields -- and they are doing great. On Tuesday (10/14) and Wednesday (10/15) at 6P in the NMI (412 Journalism) we are going to be holding an orientation to explain the Certificate specifically and the NMI in general.
And, students, here is the catch. You have to attend one of these sessions to qualify for the Certificate. You can register online for a session online at