Monday, February 16, 2009

TWerp to TWitter –TWice a Day for TWo Weeks.

TWas a TWang I felt when Dr. Kaye Sweetser called me out at last week’s Digital Brown Bag. Why didn’t I TWitter? TWitter ( is microblogging that many people say provides new TWists to relationships. Am I a TWit for not doing it? Am I being judgmental when I assume that it is all TWaddle? I confess to a TWinge of guilt for not making an earnest try at TWittering. So here is my pledge. I am going to TWeet TWo times a day for TWo weeks. Once in the morning TWixt my dog-walk and lunch. The other closer to TWilight – close of business. Hopefully these TWin posts will give me a feel for what TWitter is all about. Follow me if you want. I am sshamp.

This DBB (Tu, 2/17) – Laura Rea, Career Sports Entertainment

Our guest for this week’s Digital Brown Bag (Tu, 2/17, 12:30P, Room 401 Journalism) is NMI alum, Laura Rea (she was Laura Nichols back then). Laura is now with Career Sports Entertainment (, a company connecting media and sports in wild new ways. Laura is going to share some interesting projects that she has been in on. Join us!

New New Media Update Video Online

The next edition of the New Media Update video is online at In this episode they highlight the Global Game Jam and this semester’s Capstone projects. Check it out.

NMI Orientation Sessions – Tu (2/24) & Wed (2/25) 6P

We are holding orientation sessions on Tuesday (2/25) and Wednesday (2/26) to explain the New Media Institute and the New Media Interdisciplinary Certificate. If you want to register for NMIX4110, you need to have attended one of these two meetings. And they are both the same orientation so you only have to attend one to get all the info you need. You can reserve a spot at

NMI POD Requests

You can now request a slot in one of the NMIX courses online at
Do it now if you want a class.